Case Studies


Annual Revenue


Number of Factories


Annual PLAIO Savings


  • Full Platform use / focus on Manufacturing Planning
  • Seamless data flow with ERP system via PLAIO´s data connection
  • Objective to manage and optimise production output 
  • Cross company visibility into manufacturing schedule
  • Est. annual cost savings $250,000 due to shop-floor resource optimisation

"All of our planning is done within PLAIO. The plan is now accessible to all key employees within the supply chain, allowing them to make necessary decisions within their business units." PLAIO has become the most widely used technology within Corpipharma

Ulfar Helgason

Director IT & IS

MS Pharma

Annual Revenue


Number of Factories


Annual PLAIO Savings


  • Cross company use of Demand Planning module 
  • Total "in market" demand control & "to market" supply plan management
  • Centralised market data within the PLAIO platform
  • Est. annual cost savings $350,000 due to less stockout & improved OTIF
  • Est. $600,000 in savings by using PLAIO´s raw material purchase optimisation technology

"We managed to control a very complex process through PLAIO with minor resources." PLAIO´s Demand module allows to automate the "in-market" forecasts to actual "to market" supply plans process. 

Klaas Postema

Head of Procurement

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